01484 666 601


Be BOLD, go for Gold! - - - G - Growing independent minds - - - O - Open, friendly and inclusive - - - L - Learning together and having fun - - - D - Daring to be different - - -  



Brockholes CE(C) Junior and Infant School is a popular attractive Church School, situated in the leafy village of Brockholes, in the rural Holme Valley of West Yorkshire. The Christian ethos of our school is highly valued by our parents and community, and the children are happy and well behaved.

In December 2023 we were delighted to be recognised by Ofsted as being an outstanding school.  They said:

 "Pupils are proud to ‘Be bold, go for Gold’ in this friendly and inclusive school. They are safe and happy.

Pupils’ behaviour is exceptional in lessons and around school.

From early years and throughout the school, staff have developed a broad and ambitious curriculum.  Pupils make strong progress and achieve highly.

Teachers plan learning to create interest and curiosity in pupils. Pupils show excitement about their learning and are keen to show what they can do.

Strong, positive relationships among staff and pupils are evident across the school."

Click here to access Parent View, to let Ofsted know what you think about our school.

Please see the Policies section to read the Curriculum Policy and see the exciting topics our school has to offer.

If you would like to come and look around our school,
please contact our school office on (01484) 666601


Click here to view our school vision video ----->

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Easter Service 9.30am04Apr2025

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