01484 666 601


Year 5



Welcome back to school!

This term we will be studying geography across a number of topics; Whitby, Amazing Americas and Fair Trade.

We will be looking at global trade links as well comparisons between different settlements. We will also be studying Amazing Americas in which we will first find out about the continents of North and South America, and the countries that form them. We will also look in more detail at some of the contrasting regions of the Americas, finding out about the landscape, climate and locations of each area.

In writing we studying the Space Race and studying the story of Hidden Figures. We will be writing letters of persuasion and learning how to persuade people through the use of argument.




We will be finding out about Space in science. We will be learning about the order of the planets in the solar system and the relationship of the planets with the sun.

In maths this term we are going to study perimeter, area, statistics, shape, position and direction.

Homework will be set every week and will include; reading, times tables practise, maths, spellings and comprehension.  On occasion we might set longer term projects instead.

Work on remembering your times tables you can use TTRS or other online games.