Welcome to Year 3 Bienvenue
We welcome you and your child to Year 3.
The year 3 team will be taught by Mrs Wood on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Henderson on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Our teaching assistants will be Mrs McKerchar every morning and Mrs Barwick in an afternoon Tuesday - Friday.
Our Autumn Term topic is Natural Disasters.
In Literacy lessons, we will report on subjects relating to our Natural Disasters topic. We will be looking in-depth at two books which provide an introduction to geology. We will be specifically looking at non-fiction texts and exploring how a dictionary is organised and used. Throughout these lessons, we will be including work on grammar, punctuation, handwriting and spelling.
Geography and Science lessons will involve investigating rocks where we will undertake some experiments to classify them. We will also look at how fossils and soils are formed. In addition, we will be beginning our study of changes over time in the plant world. In art lessons we will be using a variety of media to produce work connected to our topic. DT will focus on the function and properties of materials.
R.E lessons involve examining themes of believing and belonging including how different people express their spirituality as we read Christian parables. In Computing the children will be focusing on online safety.
P.E kit is to be worn all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays. No changing of kit will happen at school. Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and a warm jumper as we will be outside for some sessions. Outdoor learning will take place every fortnight on a Tuesday morning. Outdoor learning will commence on Tuesday 17th September. Please ensure your child is dressed in appropriate clothing with a raincoat and bring a pair of wellies.