Welcome to Year 3 Bienvenue
Happy New Year to all. Welcome back to Year 3.
The year 3 team will be taught by Mrs Wood on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Henderson on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Our teaching assistants will be Mrs McKerchar every morning and Mrs Barwick in the afternoons, Tuesday - Friday.
Our Spring Term topic
The Roman Invasion of Britain.
This is an historical topic where we will find out the impact that the Roman Invasion had upon our way of life.
In Literacy lessons, we will be looking at narrative texts. We will be looking at some roman myths to link with the topic. Mostly we will concentrate on improving our narrative writing, using adjectives, adverbs, and interesting nouns and verbs, to make our writing interesting and exciting. We will find out about how stories are put together for different themes. We will look at a variety of characters and settings. . Throughout these lessons, we will be including work on grammar, punctuation, handwriting and spelling. We are continuing to count in two's, four's and eights in maths. This will include, multiplication, division and fractions. We will tell the time to the nearest five minutes. We will even use roman numerals to do some calculations!
Science lessons will involve investigating forces and magnetism. We will find out more about gravity and friction, explore the different ways things move and stop. We will have some fun using magnets, asking some questions and hopefully finding some answers. In DT will focus on the properties of different materials. We will experiment with wheels and axles to build Roman chariots. We will explore strength or materials for protection making Roman shields.
Our Art lessons will concentrate on Roman Mosaics and buildings.
In RE we are learning about how Jews use stories to remember God's covenant.
We will talk and write about our classroom, and vegetables in French.
P.E kit is to be worn all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays. No changing of kit will happen at school. Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and a warm jumper as we will be outside for some sessions. There will be some dance sessions indoors. We are re-enacting roman life through dance. Outdoor learning will take place every fortnight on a Tuesday morning. Please ensure your child is dressed in appropriate clothing with a raincoat and bring a pair of wellies.
Find out about our Autumn Term learning at our Class Assembly on January 24th