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Welcome to Year 6

It's the Spring Term!

During the first part of this term, our literacy work will focus on our time spent at Robin Wood. The children will complete a number of written pieces including: a report on Dobroyd Castle (where the activity centre is based), a diary of their time at Robin Wood and a descriptive suspense story.

In maths, we’ll be finishing our work on fractions to really try and cement the children’s understanding. All the work we have completed so far is being constantly revisited to try and close the gaps in learning. Decimals and percentages will also be a focus, before moving onto measurement, including perimeter, area and volume.

Our topic focus is the Maya Civilisation this term. Some of the work in topic lessons will extend into computing lessons, using the internet to safely research and produce work, whilst also focusing on the safe use of mobile phones as some children may have received them as Christmas gifts.

Year 6 PE will continue to be on a Tuesday morning and Friday afternoon.

Homework will continue to be set each Friday and is expected to be handed in the following Wednesday.